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The Importance of Removing Chlorine From Your Body


No one wants to be soaking in dirty water, but pools are prone to contamination from the environment and all the people swimming in it. While there are several ways to sanitize pools, chlorine is one of the most popular, and traditionally used, methods in the Philippines.

How Chlorine Works

To disinfect a pool, a chlorine solution is added to the water which then breaks down into different bacteria-killing chemicals, lasting for a long period of time. These chemicals render different bacteria and microorganisms harmless by attacking their external and internal structures. In addition to disinfecting the water, chlorine also oxidizes organic matter left behind by humans and prevents the growth of algae.

Unfavorable Effects of Chlorine

While chlorine is a reliable way to ensure water quality, high concentrations of it can be harmful to one’s health. Even at regular levels, chlorine can have unfavorable effects. Such an effect would be skin and eye irritation, as chlorine tends to strip natural oil and moisture from your body, leaving it dry and itchy. It also dries your hair, which can lead to weak, brittle hair and split ends over extended exposure. Chlorine also clings to the fabric of your swimsuit, causing its color to fade over time.

What You Can Do

The unwanted effects of chlorine don’t need to keep you from the pool. There are several things you can do to properly remove the chlorine from your body and diminish its effects.

  1. Since chlorine tends to have a strong odor, opt for an outdoor swimming pool so the smell can be diffused by fresh air.

  2. Before going into the pool, rinse off in a cold shower. As this minimizes your pores, it lessens the amount of chlorine absorbed by your body.

  3. Lather on the sunblock! In addition to protecting you from the sun, sunblock can provide your skin with a protective barrier from the chlorine.

  4. As mentioned, chlorine tends to bond to your skin.This is why you can still smell like chlorine, even after showering. To offset this bond, you can spray a vitamin c mixture onto your skin and hair before heading in the shower. To make this mixture, simply combine half a teaspoon of powdered vitamin c into 250ml of water.

  5. Don’t skip the conditioner. Make sure your hair gets the boost of moisture it needs to stay healthy after a swim.

  6. Moisturize your skin with a lotion or body oil to counteract the drying effect of chlorine.

  7. Be sure to rinse your swimsuit in cold water right after swimming to ensure it lasts a long time.


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